Share Prices & Company Research


05 October 2021

Redmayne Bentley receives ARC 3D Award

We are delighted to have been awarded the 2021 3D Award from ARC (Asset Risk Consultants) earlier this year. The award enables private clients, charities and wealth management professionals to identify investment managers that have demonstrated a superior standard of transparency. The award is an independent endorsement of an investment manager’s commitment to the principles of transparency, engagement and integrity.
The 3D Award is available to investment managers that offer a genuine multi-asset class, discretionary investment solution. The ARC Manager Research Team spend over 30 hours analysing data as part of the selection methodology and process for the award.
The ARC 3D is an award provided by ARC which indicates that Redmayne Bentley has committed to ARC’s Investment Manager Research Programme. Redmayne Bentley has provided ARC with all the necessary information and fulfilled ARC’s 3D Criteria to complete the due diligence programme. The Criteria includes: satisfactory completion and maintenance of ARC’s Due Diligence Questionnaire; provision of real client performance Data allowing ARC to observe the typical client experience; and a Demonstration of the quality of the people behind the firm’s investment philosophy and process.
It should be noted that ARC’s 3D Award is not a rating or an endorsement of the managers’ suitability for a particular client, mandate, or introducer; instead it is a validation of Redmayne Bentley’s commitment to transparency.
Find out more about our discretionary investment management service.
Redmayne Bentley receives ARC 3D Award
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