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National Identifier

In order to comply with European regulation (MiFID II), institutions such as ourselves are required to collect and record the 'national identifier' based upon a client's nationality. 
Each country within the European Union has specified its own combination of letters and/or numbers to be used.

If you are unsure about what will be required, please refer to the table below:

Country Code Country Name National Identifier Potential Source of Information
AT Austria Not required. National Identifier will be constructed using information collected during the account opening.
BE Belgium Belgian National Number 
(Numéro de registre national - Rijksregisternummer)
National ID.
BG Bulgaria Bulgarian Personal Number. Passport, National ID and Driving Licence.
CY Cyprus National Passport Number. A Passport issued by the Civil Registry Department of the Ministry of Interior.
CZ Czech Republic National Identification Number 
(Rodné číslo).
 It is printed on a birth certificate (paper), National ID (laminated or plastic card), Driving Licence (laminated or plastic card).
DE Germany Not required. National Identifier will be constructed using information collected during the account opening.
DK Denmark Personal Identity Code 
(CPR number)10 digits alphanumerical: DDMMYYXXXX
Passports, Health Care Card and Driving Licenses.
EE Estonia

Estonian Personal Identification Code (Isikukood).

Passport, National ID and Driving License.

ES Spain Tax Identification Number 
(Código de identificación fiscal).
National Identification Card (document nacional de identidad – DNI – or carnet de identidad), Driving License or Social Security Card.
FI Finland Personal Identity Code Passport or National ID
FR France Not required. National Identifier will be constructed using information collected during the account opening.
GB United Kingdom UK National Insurance number  National Insurance Card, paper card or letter from HMRC and may also be obtained from a payslip, P60, tax returns or letters from the DWP/HRMC.
GR Greece 10 digit dematerialised Securities System (DSS) investor share. Investor share is the account of the investor in the DSS which is operated by the Central Securities Depository S.A.
HR Croatia Personal Identification Number 
(OIB – Osobni identifikacijski broj)
National Identity Card or internet engines but it can also be found on other personal documents.
HU Hungary Not required. National Identifier will be constructed using information collected during the account opening.
IE Ireland Not required. National Identifier will be constructed using information collected during the account opening.
IS Iceland Personal Identity Code 
Passport, National ID and Driving Licence.
IT Italy

Fiscal Code   
(Codice Fiscale)

It can be printed on a paper card (old version) or on the National Health Service magnetic card (newer version).
LI Lichtenstein National Passport Number Passport.
LT Lithuania Personal Code (Asmens Kodas) Passport, National ID and Driving Licence.
LU Luxembourg Not required. National Identifier will be constructed using information collected during the account opening.
LV Latvia Personal Code (Personas Kods) National ID and/or Passport.
MT Malta National Identification Number National ID.
NL Netherlands National Passport Number Passport.
NO Norway 11 digit Personal ID 
Includes, but not limited to Passport, National ID Card and Driving License.
PL Poland National Identification Number (PESEL) Birth Certificate, National ID and Driving License.
PT Portugal Tax Number 
(Número de Identificação Fiscal)
RO Romania National Identification Number 
(Cod Numeric Personal)
Birth Certificate, Identity Card and Driving License.
SE Sweden Personal Identity Number Passport, Health Care Card and Driving License.
SI Slovenia Personal Identification Number 
(EMŠO: Enotna Matična Številka Občana)
Birth Certificate (paper), National ID Card (laminated or plastic card) and Driving Licence (laminated or plastic card).
SK Slovakia Personal number (Rodné číslo) Birth Certificate (paper), National ID Card and Driving Licence.
All Other Countries Passport Number
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