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Key Investor Information Documents

Key Investor Information Documents (KIIDs) are short documents produced by fund managers to provide a summary of the fund and allow comparisons between funds to be made more easily.

key investor information documents

The UCITS IV Directive requires Redmayne Bentley to provide Key Investor Information Documents (KIIDs) to clients before making an investment in a UCITS fund (Unit Trusts, OEICs and most ETFs). 

Since 1st January 2018, the Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products Regulation ("PRIIPs Regulation") came into force which aims to increase the transparency and comparability of investment products through the issue of a standardised short form disclosure document - a Key Information Document (KID).

Before you invest in a UCITS/PRIIP, you must take the time to read this document. Both KIIDs and KIDs are prepared to give you the essential features and key facts and figures – including any charges, investment risk and past performance.

The above applies to execution only, dealing with advice and advisory clients.

Please contact your local office for more information.
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